The dwarves of the Southern Mountains are where the dwarves first were seen in the world. Over thousands and thousands of years they have developed great talent in craftmanship and trading. Also they are fine and noble warriors.

They make great craftsmen and traders, and but also good fighters. Any quick or magic using professions does not fit a Southern Mountain Dwarf.

Build: smaller and not as stout and broad as their northern kinsmen.
Height: about 1,2 metres in average.
Eyes: Greeyish and brownish colours.
Hair: Brown in all its nuances.
Lifespan: 500 to 600 years. it is common to be old especially in the great citadels where no foul underground enemies can enter.
Starting Languages: Dwarven Speech (S6/W1),
Common Speech "Calendôr" or "Panish" (S2/W0).
Fears & Hates: The creatures in the depths of the Southern Mountains are as foul as the minerals are plenty and recently the orcish hordes have slipped into the caverns too.
Religion: Local crafting deities often with similarities to Verena or Taal in the Calendôrian parts of the Southern Mountains.
Weapons: Metal Weapons like axes, maces and they are the developers of new weapons of gunpowder.
Special Abilities: They live underground and have a high developed night vision. They are great traders og craftsmen and gets a special +15 bonus to Trading Skill and any two Crafting Skills.
Stats: Co: +15
Ag: -5
SD: +5
St: +5
Pr: -10
Em: -10
Hit Dice: D10
Background Options: 5