The Polanjavits lived issolated in the middle of Tawar Lassadûr until the Calendôrian Troels von Waldorf became king and built the great road through the forest and made travelling between Polanja and Calendôr possible in The Age of Chaos.

The Polanjavits have a strong tradition in keeping their private matters and feelings for themselves until they get to know strangers. But when the barriers have been scattered Polanjavits are very hospitable people. They like to drink large amounts of Bielvad and are very proud of their kingdom. Therefore they are known as good story and tale tellers.

Build: The Polanjavits are a bit slighter built than Calendôrians.
Height: Average of 1,6 metres
Eyes: The eyes of Polanjavits are all brownish and also they are known for their strong gaze.
Hair & Skin: Most Polanjavits have black or very dark hair, commonly thin. Their skin is pale from the scarce sunlight of Polanja.
Lifespan: Average of 65- 85 years
Starting Languages: Common Speech "Polanjan" (S6/W0)
Fears & Hates: The deepest and oldest fear of Polanjavits is the dread and sanity of Tawar Lassadûr, The Dark Leaf Forest. Also the fear of the undead is most intense in the northern regions of Polanja.
Beliefs: Môrr and Shallya. When Troels von Waldorf claimed throne he also constituted the three other gods and godesses of The Faith.
Weapons: All types of two edged swords, all axes, crossbows, short & long bows and all polearms.
Special Abilities: Polanjavits gains a +10 special bonus to The Tale Telling Skill and +15 to The Drug Tolerance (Alchol) Skill.
Stats: St: +5
SD: +5
Pr: +5
Em: -5
Hit Dice: D8
Background Options: 6