The green land, the land of civilization ruled by a great king with many vassals and a great amount of land. But the threat from the east came to Calendôr first, and a religion of justice was found to prevent the darkness to come. King Martian I of Calendôr founded The Faith, and it banished and cursed the Cuilrendir and all forms of magic not drawn from the five gods Verena, Myrmidia, Shallya, Taal and Morr. An enormous inquisition started and many innocent people were burned to death. All Calendorians dwell under The Faith's reign, some in vain and others well. There are many different views of The Faith, but it is everywhere in all the blood that flows the people of Calendôr.

Profession: As the common oppinion on magic is quite negative in Calendôr, spell casters is very rare. As the war against The Horde is raging, many young and older boys join the army to fight. Others join the priesthoods of the five gods of The Faith. These are mostly pure channeling users, but some are also semi channeling users.

Sample Calendorian characters
King Troels von Waldorf

Build: Varies alot, but slighter than the Teithadôrians and Taur Belegians, but still much stouter than all elves.
Height: Average of 1,7 metres
Eyes: Many different colours, though is blue and brown the most common.
Hair: Brown and black is most common, but blond can also be found especially in the northern regions.
Lifespan: Average of 65- 85 years
Starting Languages: Common Speech "Calendôr" (S6/W0)
Fears & Hates: The common man of Calendôr fears magic and sorcerers above all, and of course the threat from the east; The Orcs.
Religion: The Faith
Weapons: All types of two edged swords, all axes, crossbows, short & long bows and all polearms.
Special Abilities: Calendôrians are very religious folk and gets a +10 bonus to the religion (The Faith) skill. Also does all spell users not of channeling (The Faith) a Social Standing of D in Calendôr.
Stats: St: +5
SD: +5
Hit Dice: D8
Background Options: 6