In a dark fantasy setting, social level is an important consideration. Everywhere, but especially in cities, peoples’ reaction to your character will depend as much upon what you are (or appear to be) as upon who you are. Many people – no matter how much they deny it – are snobs, and let’s face it, a Beggar or a scruffy adventurer is not going to get into the Graf’s garden party, not even if his Duping total bonus 175!
The rules given below may be used to modify tests for PC/NPC dealing under most circumstances. In some city-based adventures where is it vital to get on the right side of the right people, social level can make all the difference between failure and success.

In social intercourse at least one of the following skills will always be used: Bribery, Diplomacy, Duping, Interrogation, Leadership, Public Speaking, Seduction, Trading. When using these skills there will always be a modifier. If it is a negative or positive modifier, and how severe, will count on the circumstances.

In situations where characters deal with characters from lower classes, they will get a +10 modifier per class difference, but only if they use their authority in the certain maneuver. If not the modifier will –10 per class difference instead.
If characters are dealing with a character from a higher social class, they will get a –5 per class difference. And if the character is trying to use his “authority”, the maneuver will be –100 (cumulative with any other modifier, including class modifier).

When a character is in social intercourse with one of his own class, it is his standing that counts. The character may in all attempts to use the skills above add his standing to the maneuver result.

Every character can attempt to be another class, and get all the benefits and of course also the disadvantages of the certain class. If a character is pretending to be another social class, his Acting and Diplomacy skill (or lack of) is of great importance. The maneuver is split in two. The first is where the character reads the situation or person. Here an Diplomacy Static Maneuver -100 is made (Only if the bluff is contain etiquette). Now The Acting Static Maneuver is made, and the result of the Diplomacy Maneuver is either added or subtracted from the Acting Maneuver. If the character or NPC being bluffed has Lie Perception, his bonus is of course subtracted from the Acting Maneuver. If the Acting Maneuver is successful the character has achieved a new social class when interacting with the bluffed character or NPC (or the NPC has gained new info).
A. THE NOBLE CLASS: The highest class of the feudal society, they are few, and they have got all the power and all the money.
B. THE PROFESSIONAL/ACADEMIC CLASS: The most respected class of all: Doctors, wizards (most places), clerics, merchants and veteran military men.
C. THE CRAFTSMAN/TRADESMAN CLASS: Most Skilled workers belong to this class, as do the lower military establishment.
D. THE LABOURING/CRIMINAL CLASS: This is the lowest class of unskilled and semi-skilled workers, beggars and criminals.
A character’s Social Level is made up of two components, The Class and The Standing. The Class (The letter A to D) represents the overall standing in the society, while the standing (The number after the Class) is the social standing within the character’s own social Class.