As written by Leif Son of Thorvald of the Valkûl Alliance.
“Once Calendôr was not as large and powerful as it is now a days. Before the orcs came these cowards, these ragan peasants died for their king not to the east but against great men of the White Plains and Mountains in the North.

The family or decent is the most important part of the life or a Teithadôrian. They are bound to the protection of the interests of their decent back to 5th generation on both the mother and father’s side. Teithadôrians have in their adolescence learned lore of the lineage and family trees.

They are people of honour. They are free and equal men who will stand for their rights, in the times of war, in The Age Of Chaos…

Build: Broughtest of all humans, many Teithadôrians weigh twice as much as the average Calendôrian.
Height: Also tallest of all humans they stand nontheless over 2 metres in average.
Eyes: Blue and green are the most common.
Hair: Blond and red in many shades.
Lifespan: 55-65 years i average. Mostly in course of the harsh enviroment.
Starting Languages: Teithadôrian (S6/W0)
Fears: Lots of giants and trolls dwell in wast and barren caves and plains of Teithadôr. These creatures are everyday fears and threats of Teithadôrian man.
Religion: Mostly Valkulian Belief but some places in southern parts The Faith. By the Valkulians themselves The Faith is sometimes called the Gorgorian Belief.
Weapons: Most common are axes & maces, but swords appear too. Also shortbows, spears and dwarven crossbows are used.
Special Abilities: As a result of the extreme enviroment, Teithadôrians get a +10 bonus to the Region Lore, Hostile Enviroment skills. Also they get a special +15 RR and DB vs. cold based attacks.
Stats: Co: +10
Ag: -5
SD: +10
Qu: -5
St: +10
Hit Dice: D10
Background Points: 4