The Panish Belief is the belief of a very old god of nature, worshipped by the Wood Elves. The belief in Pan was originally and is still the elven religion but was taught to the human tribes of Taur Beleg before the Wood Elves discovered the corruptive mind of Man. This section deal with the elven way of worshipping Pan, for the human way see The Pan'ish Dualism.
The Origin of The Pan'ish Belief
The Communities of The Pan'ish Belief
The Major Spirits of The Pan'ish Belief:
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The Origin of The Pan'ish Belief
This tradition of worshipping spirits, lords and servants of the order of nature and the world descent from most arcane and ancient times of civilisations of the Wood Elves. This is a later renessaince of the eldest belief of the mortal beings. The belief in The Godess of The Earth, The Godess of The Three Shapes. |
The Communities of The Pan'ish Belief
In the socierty of the Wood Elves in Taur Beleg or Gwaingroth the individual elves can worship their spirits as they like. There is no specific rules, but most tiny og small groups protect their different holy places of their spirits. The Pan'ish Belief is not been preached to other cultures. The worshippers concern more about their own families, descent and spirits and the relationship with them. |
Places Worshipped: |
The Great forest of Taur Beleg and the The Calendôrian Deep Forest. |
Worshippers: |
The Wood Elves of Taur Beleg |
Doctrines: |
1. Respect life. Take it at need. Take from Nature at need, but do not despoil. Return to Nature generously and without bitterness.
2. Honor the Natural Order. The Rules of Nature are made manifest in the world around you, and Man is part of that natural order, not apart from it or superior to it. Life is both kind and cruel, joyous and sad - and the path from birth to death to re-birth, the cycle of the seasons, is a promise, not of perfect endings, but of endless process. Observe the world, and be satisfied with your place in it.
3. Obey the wise (the druids), heed your elders, and follow your chiefs.
4. Defend the Land and its Life from those who would defile, corrupt, or exploit it.
5. Honor and respect the privacy of the groves, the stone circles, the megaliths, and barrows.
Rituals: |
As Elves is very indiviual beings the rituals vary alot from place to place, and from elf to elf. Often they include meditation, celebration and meal sacrifice. |
Holy days: |
They are all connected with the cycle of the year. Moon shiftings, the change of seasons, etc. |
Orders: |
As Wood Elves tend to live in small communities the orders do not get especially large or powerful, but there are many of them so it is impossible to mention them all. |
Symbols: |
Unique runic signs (of the sindarin tongue) and inscriptions on garments, tools, jewelry, and other objects are not an alphabetic script, but a poetic, symbolic, ritual medium to shape and focus magical forces. But The Circle of Life is often seen though. |
Dress: |
Pan worshippers often wear ornaments in Celtic styles in gold and silver or embroidered with plant and animal motifs. Initiates and Priests wear wool or linen tunics and pants, with cloaks for foul weather. White linen robes are worn for special ceremonies. Initiates and priests carry wooden staves carved in Celtic style. |
Professions: |
Shaman |